UPDATE: All booklets given away! Thank you for your interest!
So I have these ten Chick-tract-sized print versions of "Rigoleto: The Comics Adaptation." I designed this little booklet as a souvenir for the Portland Opera's cast and crew.
I will give away each of these ten copies, signed, to the first ten people to e-mail me here with the subject line "Rigoletto." (If you live outside the United States, you'll have to pay me a couple of bucks in postage via PayPal; we'll work it out.)
Of course, if you just want to make your own booklet at home, print out this PDF and follow the instructions after the jump.
1. Laser-print out this 8-page PDF on LEGAL (8.5 x 14") paper. (Do not auto-scale the pages down to fit printer margins; it will throw everything off.)
2. Xerox sheets double-sided: Pages 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
3. Cut pages in half lengthwise on the solid line. (There are two books per sheet.)
4. Fold pages in half on the dotted line.
5. Assemble into books, using the page numbers as your guide. Staple twice on the fold.
Awww, I'm late, All the booklets have been given away. Thanks still for posting this.
Posted by: printing booklets | November 07, 2009 at 11:10 PM