Two separate podcast appearances by yours truly this week:
• CORT AND FATBOY: We played movie-catchup during the Friday, Dec. 4 show -- talking about "The Road," "Fantastic Mr. Fox," "Ninja Assassin," "The Messenger," and "Boondock Saints" (and its hit-piece companion documentary "Overnight"). Also discussed: Douglas Adams. It's worth noting that this week's "Fan Fiction Friday" is so twisted and wrong, it audibly sapped me of my will to live.
• HAM-FISTED RADIO: I also enjoyed a long, leisurely sit-down with host Dawn Taylor and engineer Fatboy Roberts on Dawn's new podcast, "Ham-Fisted Radio." We rambled on about: our favorite underperforming movies of 2009; the cultural overdose on cuteness; hummingbirds; gorgets; John McLoughlin; the strange utterances of Bill Mudron; community newspapering; and Wes Anderson, among other things.
Cort and Fatboy (Friday, Dec. 4, 2009)
Ham-Fisted Radio, Episode 004: Movies, Gorgets, and the Backlash Against Cute (