UPDATE: Now you can read the whole thing online as a nice linear webcomic. Or you can download a 16-page PDF of the "live comics adaptation" booklet I made for the "Barber of Seville" cast and crew.
Tonight (Friday, May 7), barring disaster, I'm going to try and draw a "live comics adaptation" of Portland Opera's production of "The Barber of Seville" as part of their regular "Blogger Night at the Opera" promotion.
Here's the live comics adaptation I did for them last year, of "Rigoletto."
Phone-cam photos of hastily made drawings should start appearing in my Twitter feed sometime after 6 p.m. tonight (Friday, April 7). I'll use the hash tag #pdxopera. (UPDATE: Or you can download this PDF of the results or read it as a webcomic.)
Fellow live-bloggers will include Brandi Parisi of All Classical 89.9 FM and Bob Hicks and Laura Grimes of ArtScatter.