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March 13, 2011



What a tease that Mike Russel is! First he lures me in with daily updates of the fantastic saber-toothed vampire saga, then he ignores his site for over two weeks straight!

Ah well, I really can't complain that such a talented individual isn't giving me free entertainment on a daily basis anymore. (Although if I could find any way to justify a sense of entitlement I would jump all over it.)

I will make sure and visit him at Stumptown, cash in hand, to properly show my appreciation for all entertaining Woody Allen impersonations and strange comics I've enjoyed to date.

Mike Russell

Patience, Foible, and thanks for your interest. I'm hard at work. Setting up a bunch of ten-pins at the same time.

Lots of details in my Twitter feed, http://twitter.com/culturepulp

The balls start rolling in the next couple of days.

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