BONUS FEATURE: Just for fun, I asked my good friend Ryan McCluskey -- a professional actor who's done voice work for the BBC, commercials, video games, the Discovery Channel, and the "Doctor Who" animated specials, among other things -- to record a "Previously on the Sabertooth Vampire" audio bumper.
Imagine my surprise when Ryan sent me about 70 unedited takes. This was my favorite.
Ryan McCluskey -- "Previously on the Sabertooth Vampire"
I also mentioned on "Cort and Fatboy," as a joke, that I wanted to record a professional voiceover for the comic. This prompted voice artist Kyle Hebert -- who's contributed work to "Dragonball Z," "Naruto," "Bleach," "Fullmetal Alchemist," and "Marvel vs Capcom 3" -- to send in three takes of his own. As he put it in an e-mail: "I've always wanted to break into promos and trailers (a la 'the movie trailer guy,' the late Don LaFontaine). This was as good as any chance to at least give it a shot." You can listen to Mr. Hebert's three takes right here.
Kyle Hebert -- "Previously on the Sabertooth Vampire"
I'm a little gobsmacked that both men lent their considerable talents to my dorky little webcomic, and thank them profusely.