The best surprise that's come from making "Sabertooth Vampire" comics? The fan-art -- much of it textiles-based.
After the jump: A sampling of the drawings, dolls, clothing, and needlepoints (among other things) that I've gotten from readers since starting the comic in January. Click on any picture to enlarge. Thanks so much. It's hugely gratifying.
Fatboy Roberts' awesome wife Bobbie (above) made this Sabertooth Vampire plushie in secret and presented it to me at our first signing party at Bridge City Comics last April.
Check this out. Reader Joseph Vaughan (@DethMunky1978 on Twitter) commissioned Diane Koss of to make two real-live versions of the "Sabertooth Vampire" hoodie that kicks off this comic. He's mailing me one of them. I'm told the cape is detachable. Incredible.
From Adrian Wallace: "The Sabertooth Vampire in Antarctica."
Adrian also works in animation, and he made this animated .gif of "House of the Sabertooth Vampire." (It got me thinking about how an animated short starring the little guy might work.)
From serial "Cort and Fatboy" fan-artist @GlazedMacGuffin.
Reader Richard Lee Johnson (pictured above) made this wooden Sabertooth Vampire using a myrtlewood base, a doll's head and a drill press. He handed it to me at our "Cort and Fatboy" screening of "The Thing."
An art-nouveaux Sabertooth Vampire from Sara Machajewski (@sandpuppeteer on Twitter). Sara's about to launch her own webcomic, "Stark City Limits."
Sara turned up at the Vol. 2 book-signing party last month and relayed the terrible news that a computer crash had erased the high-rez files for the nouveaux S-Vamp. "So I made you a second piece," she said, and handed me this.
A framed needlepoint Sabertooth Vampire from Steph Castro (@Bewildrbeast on Twitter). If he ever appears in an 8-bit video game, he'll look like this.
A graphic trio of Sabertooth Vampires atop some blueprints, by @Jayne_Statue.
From Leia Weathington (@solmaru on Twitter). His full-sized adult body kind of weirds me out. In a good way. It's extra-sad the way over-the-hill salesmen are sad.
From @rdpollard: "Sabertooth Vampire @ A Kite Festival."
Linda Shortman (@momlovesfilm on Twitter) carved a Sabertooth Vampire Jack-O-Lantern.
Here's one from @pyrosim of the "Nerd Talk" podcast. The longer half of his outspread cape should really have some stolen watches in it.
This lovely needlepoint was handed to be at the Stumptown Comics Fest by Tarehna.
Above: "The Sabretooth Vampire," as drawn by Maggie R. Dorr, age 7. I think she really boils the comic down to its humiliating essence, personally.
And finally: This grafitti tag -- which keeps popping up around Portland -- doesn't actually have anything to do with my webcomic, at all. But readers keep sending me photos of it.
I love that piece by Sara. She has some amazing art. I still have one I need to frame.
Posted by: Scott T | November 02, 2011 at 08:34 PM